
Week 4: Dynamic Pricing and Demand Forecasting

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Dynamic Pricing and Demand Forecasting?
  3. Workflow Overview
  4. Detailed Task Breakdown
  5. Deliverables
  6. Submission Guidelines
  7. Resources

1. Introduction

Welcome to Week 4 of the AI/ML Development Track. This week, you’ll focus on developing dynamic pricing models and demand forecasting techniques for our Point of Sale (PoS) application. You’ll use machine learning to predict demand and optimize pricing strategies to maximize revenue and customer satisfaction.

2. Why Dynamic Pricing and Demand Forecasting?

Dynamic pricing and demand forecasting are crucial for businesses to optimize their revenue and inventory management. By accurately predicting demand and adjusting prices in real-time, companies can:

Machine learning models can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends that humans might miss, leading to more accurate forecasts and pricing decisions.

3. Workflow Overview

  1. Set up Google Colab for the project
  2. Load and explore a suitable dataset
  3. Preprocess data and engineer relevant features
  4. Implement demand forecasting models
  5. Develop dynamic pricing strategies
  6. Evaluate models and pricing strategies
  7. Simulate various pricing scenarios
  8. (Optional) Create an interactive dashboard
  9. (Optional) Develop a real-time pricing API

4. Detailed Task Breakdown

4.1 Set Up Google Colab

4.2 Load and Explore the Dataset

Suggested datasets:

4.3 Data Preprocessing

4.4 Feature Engineering

4.5 Implement Demand Forecasting Models

Implement and compare multiple algorithms for demand forecasting:

4.6 Develop Dynamic Pricing Strategies

Implement pricing optimization techniques:

4.7 Model Evaluation

4.8 Simulate Pricing Scenarios

4.9 Create an Interactive Dashboard (Optional)

4.10 Develop a Real-time Pricing API (Optional)

5. Deliverables

  1. Google Colab notebook with your entire dynamic pricing and demand forecasting pipeline
  2. A concise Markdown report discussing your approach, challenges, and results
  3. (Optional) Python script for the interactive dashboard
  4. (Optional) Python script for the real-time pricing API

6. Submission Guidelines

  1. Share your Google Colab notebook as a link or .ipynb file
  2. Submit your report as a .md file
  3. (Optional) Submit your dashboard script as a .py file
  4. (Optional) Submit your API script as a .py file

7. Resources