
Automated Image Alignment and Enhancement


In the bustling world of online marketplaces, product images hold the key to attracting potential customers and driving sales. Picture this: a seller uploads an image of their remarkable product, but alas! It appears misaligned, dimly lit, or lacking that captivating appeal. Such images can hamper the overall user experience, leaving buyers disenchanted. But fear not, for a groundbreaking solution awaits! To tackle this challenge, this assignment aims to develop an automated Image processing model. This will enable image detection, auto-rotation of images for proper alignment, and hence will enhances seller-uploaded images. Get ready to transform online marketing into an extraordinary realm, where products shine and the marketplace experience becomes captivating.

Formal statement

The aim of this assignment is to develop a model which can be used to automatically detect, rotate for proper alignment, and enhance the image uploaded by a seller in an online marketplace. Below are the steps and methods that you may follow to proceed for this assignment:

Key Requirements