
DevClub Summer of Code 2023

Frontend Development: Week 1

This week, we’ll learn how websites work, and then learn how to build a simple website using HTML and CSS.

Task 1

For this task, visit Moodle, and open up Elements tab in the DevTools

Finally, create a file in this repo as frontend/week1/ and write your observations here, try to include screenshots too!


Task 2

In this task you have to implement a basic figma design using HTML and CSS.

Create a navbar with 3 links and a logo. The links should be white and turn light blue on clicking them. We’re only concerned with the Home page right now but we’ll be adding routing and linking other sites very soon ;)

Create a carousel and add the image with two buttons. Bonus: Use Javascript to turn this into a slide show

Add a section heading (“What we do to help our customers in the digital era”) with 3 cards. The cards should have an image, some text, and a link. Hint: Use absolute positioning, and don’t forget to use div tag.

Add a section heading (“How it works”) with 3 cards, this time side by side. This is meant to help the customers, so keep your instructions short and clear.

In the “What our clients say” section, you can add a photo of yourself or your friend and write a review beside it. Don’t forget to add the buttons, as we will need it when we learn JavaScript

In the last section, make a footer and add the logo with your name.

Save your main file as frontend/week1/website/index.html. Store the css files and images etc at frontend/week1/website/assets/

Finally, deploy this repository using GitHub Pages, your webpage would now be accessible at https://<github_handle>