
DevClub Summer of Code 2023

Frontend Development

Why learn this?

The first impression of any organisation or product goes through how well their website looks. A great frontend both looks easy on the eyes, and helps the users get the right information from the webpage. To make an engaging website, you should understand the underlying features provided by the browser, to optimise how your webpage loads and looks.

What we’ll be building?

We’ll start by learning how to make simple webpages, and then we’ll build an e-commerce portal where users would be able to buy and sell items!


Week 1


HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the standard markup for web pages. A markup language is an encoding system which consists of a set of symbols which when inserted in text control it’s structure. HTML is based on markup meta languages XML and SGML. Meta languages are used to define a documents structure and the relation between it’s parts rather than how it will be displayed. Thus colors, padding, position, etc are rarely specified in HTML.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS can be used to separately control layout, color and font of different elements.

It can be added in the HTML file (inline) or be linked separately in a style sheet. In case of multiple styles, in line take preference over an external style sheet.

This is a service provided by GitHub where we can host our static files easily and it gets updated on each push too!


Week 2



Week 3




Learn ReactJS, and make your website better using JSX components and State management. Bonus: improve the code quality too!

Week 4: Powering your React app with a public API



Resources and code snippets are shared in week4/ so check it out!


Design pages to render, create, and update products. Fetch this data from a public API and understand the interface using API specs. Learn about status codes, state management, error handling, and much more!