
DevClub Summer of Code 2023

Backend Development: Week 4

Note: We will be continuing with the project we started in the previous week. If you haven’t completed the tasks from the previous week, please complete them first.

Task 4A: Setting Up Microsoft Azure

All the students enrolled at IIT Delhi (or any other educational institute) are eligible for a free Microsoft Azure account. We will be using Azure to host our Django project. Follow the steps below to set up your Azure account:

Task 4B: Setting up the Virtual Machine

Once you have connected to your Virtual Machine, follow the steps below to set up the Virtual Machine:

Task 4C: Using NGINX and Gunicorn

We will be using NGINX and Gunicorn to serve our Django project. Follow the steps below to set up NGINX and Gunicorn:

Task 4D: Setting up a Domain Name

We will be setting up a domain name for our Django project. Follow the steps below to get a domain name:

Task 4E: Setting up HTTPS

We will be setting up HTTPS for our domain name. Follow the steps below to get a SSL certificate for your domain name:

Bonus Task

  1. Learn about Docker and Docker Compose. Realise the importance of Docker in the world of software development. If you have time, try to dockerize your Django project and deploy it on your Virtual Machine.
  2. Learn about CI/CD and how it can be used to automate the deployment process. If you have time, try to set up a CI/CD pipeline for your Django project using GitHub Actions.