
DevClub Summer of Code 2023

Backend Development: Week 1

Task 1A: Network Report

This will be your first task. Explore how Moodle and write your findings in a report. You’ll be using the browser developer tools to make the network report. In your report, write about

Finally, create a file in this repo as backend/week1/ and write your findings, make sure to insert screenshots wherever you can!

Bonus Task

Task 1B: Create a URL Shortner

In this task you have to make a URL shortner using Python simple HTTP server. The following should be the features of your URL shortner:

We would recommend you to initially start with setting up a simple server which can return any arbitrary header and content for a given URL. Later, set up a database where you can write queries

Finally, put your source file in this repo as backend/week1/

Bonus Task

Add the following features to your URL shortner: